lunes, 20 de octubre de 2014


Questions for test:

These exact questions will be included in the test.

Put Do or does

1.     you go to school by bus?
2.   she play on the computer?
3.   the girls like football?
4.   the cat like to drink milk?
5.     You speak English or French?
6.    he read books?
7.  the children go to school on Fridays?
8.   she like cats?
9.  they play tennis?
10.   he like birds?

Put Don’t or Doesn’t:

1.     He  live in Mexico.
2.   She  work in a bank.
3.    I  play golf.
4.   Max  listen to the radio.
5.    We  speak English.
6.   You  drink coffee in the morning.
7.   My cat  eat meat.
8.   Shelly drink milk.
9.    I  understand.
10.  His car work 


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