Information to make the video: (50-60 seconds)
1. How is your career important in your life and how you contribute to society with it?
2. Talk about a difficult/sad momment in your life and how you overcame it.
3. Has technology made people lazy? or is it really necessary? Yes /no why?
miércoles, 29 de noviembre de 2017
lunes, 27 de noviembre de 2017
Favor Leer:
- Cada habilidad vale 25% (listening, speaking, reading and writing)
- Trabajo en clase vale 60% y el examen de eficiencia 40%
- La Nota definitiva será entregada a Coordinación de Inglés directamente el día 4 de Diciembre/2017
- Una vez aprobada la eficiencia, el estudiante debe generar el recibo para obtener el Diploma que le acredita dicha eficiencia, el cual tiene un valor de 30.000
Cualquier inquietud favor contactar a Franz Quintero 3168451183 -
jueves, 16 de noviembre de 2017
LISTENING ((hacer ejercisios de 3 listenings de nivel intermedio)
PET Full Test
sábado, 7 de octubre de 2017
viernes, 8 de septiembre de 2017
Please print this material from pages 5 to 43 for vocabulary exercises and quizes.
Franz Quintero
Please print this material from pages 5 to 43 for vocabulary exercises and quizes.
Franz Quintero
martes, 5 de septiembre de 2017
List of Irregular verbs
Base form | Past tense | Past participle |
begin break bring buy build choose come cost cut do draw drive eat feel find get give go have hear hold keep know leave lead let lie lose make mean meet pay put run say see sell send set sit speak spend stand take teach tell think understand wear win write | was/were began broke brought bought built chose came cost cut did drew drove ate felt found got gave went had heard held kept knew left led let lay lost made meant met paid put ran said saw sold sent set sat spoke spent stood took taught told thought understood wore won wrote | been begun broken brought bought built chosen come cost cut done drawn driven eaten felt found got given gone had heard held kept known left led let lain lost made meant met paid put run said seen sold sent set sat spoken spent stood taken taught told thought understood worn won written |
viernes, 16 de junio de 2017
Apreciados estudiantes,
Estas son las notas definitivas que ya están registradas en OCARA y en el sistema. El nivel de Inglés esta encima de la palabra CODIGO.
Gracias por su dedicación y muchos éxitos.
Estas son las notas definitivas que ya están registradas en OCARA y en el sistema. El nivel de Inglés esta encima de la palabra CODIGO.
Gracias por su dedicación y muchos éxitos.
miércoles, 14 de junio de 2017
Apreciados estudiantes,
la firma y revisión de notas se realizarà el día Jueves 14 de Junio de 2017 debido a que el día miércoles tengo un compromiso personal impostergable.
Cualquier solicitud la pueden hacer al 316845183 o al correo
Mil gracias
la firma y revisión de notas se realizarà el día Jueves 14 de Junio de 2017 debido a que el día miércoles tengo un compromiso personal impostergable.
Cualquier solicitud la pueden hacer al 316845183 o al correo
Mil gracias
viernes, 2 de junio de 2017
Topics Final Test - Level 3
Monday: papar test 10:30 am
Tueday: Interviews
- Wh-questions
- Will Vs Going to (para que se usa cada uno)
- So do I, neiter do I (en varios tiempos y diferentes personas)
- Have to, must, mustn't
- He told me that...(reportar algo en varios tiempos como se vio en clase)
*El examen es final y de ahi su exigencia. Favor estudiar bien, gracias.
Udenar Final Test Topics - Level 2
Topics for Final Test:
Wednesday: Paper test (10:30-11:30)
Thursday Speaking (11:30-1:00)
Wednesday: Paper test (10:30-11:30)
Thursday Speaking (11:30-1:00)
- Physical/personality appearance adjevtives
- Cpmparatives/superlatives (more, less, not as big as, et)
*Favor estudiar bien porque es un examen final y de ahí su exigencia, gracias.
Dejo links para repaso de comparativos y superlativos y
jueves, 4 de mayo de 2017
Elephants are large mammals of the family Elephantidae and the order Proboscidea. Traditionally, two species are recognized, the African elephantand the Asian elephant, although some evidence suggests that African bush elephants and African forest elephants are separate species. Other families of the order Proboscidea, including mammoths and mastodons are now extinct.
Elephants are scattered throughout sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. Male African elephants are the largest surviving terrestrial animals and can reach a height of 4 m (13 ft) and weigh 7,000 kg (15,000 lb).
All elephants have several distinctive features the most notable of which is a long trunk or proboscis, used for many purposes, particularly breathing, lifting water and grasping objects. Their incisors grow into tusks, which can serve as weapons and as tools for moving objects and digging. Elephants' large ear flaps help to control their body temperature. Their pillar-like legs can carry their great weight. African elephants have larger ears and concave backs while Asian elephants have smaller ears and convex or level backs.
One of the biggest threats to elephant populations is the ivory trade, as the animals are poached for their ivory tusks. Other threats to wild elephants include habitat destruction and conflicts with local people. Elephants are used as working animals in Asia. In the past they were used in war; today, they are often put on display in zoos and circuses.
Please study:
1. General ideas
2. Specific ideas (dates, numbers, names, etc)
Fasting is part and parcel of the practices of many religions including, Islam, Judaism and Christianity. Today many are trying to dig up the benefits of fasting. Some people fast for spiritual reasons while others fast as a way to physically discipline the body. Whatever reasons one might come up with, it has been scientifically proved that fasting has tremendous health benefits.
1. General ideas
2. Specific ideas (dates, numbers, names, etc)
Health Benefits of Fasting

First, fasting is said to play an important role in the detoxification of the body. Detoxification is a normal body process of eliminating or neutralizing toxins through the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, lymph glands, and skin. This process starts when fasting. Food no longer enters the body and the latter turns to fat reserves for energy. These fat reserves were created when excess glucose and carbohydrates were not used for energy or growth, not excreted, and therefore converted into fat. When the fat reserves are used for energy during a fast, it releases the chemicals from the fatty acids into the system which are then eliminated through the body organs, leading to the cleansing of the whole body.
An other known benefit of fasting is the healing process that is obvious in the body during a fast. When fasting energy is diverted away from the digestive system due to its lack of use and towards the metabolism and immune system. The healing process during a fast is made easy by the body's search for energy sources. Abnormal growths within the body, tumors and the like, do not have the full support of the body's supplies and therefore are more susceptible to disappear.
Fasting also leads to a feeling of rejuvenation and extended life expectancy. This might be due to the detoxification effect of fasting. A study was performed on earthworms that showed the extension of life thanks to fasting. The experiment was performed in the 1930s by isolating one worm and putting it on a cycle of fasting and feeding. The isolated worm outlived the other worms by 19 generations, while still maintaining its freshness and youthful physiological characteristics.
martes, 25 de abril de 2017
Pleaseread and look for the vocabulary. This article is for the test.
Pleaseread and look for the vocabulary. This article is for the test.
Penguins are among the most popular of all birds. They only live in and around the South Pole and the continent of Antarctica. No wild penguins live at the North Pole. There are many different kinds of penguins. The largest penguin is called the Emperor Penguin, and the smallest kind of penguin is the Little Blue Penguin. There are 17 different kinds of penguins in all, and none of them can fly.
Penguins have to be able to survive in the some of the Earth's coldest and windiest conditions. They are great swimmers and have thick layers of fat to protect them from the bitter cold. Even in their freezing cold habitats, penguins still have to watch out for predators such as killer whales and seals.
viernes, 3 de marzo de 2017
Udenar level 2 (independent activity 10%)
*Please watch this film, memorize the events and be prepared for a written quiz.
*(Study wh-questions, and YES/NO questions)
You will need a dictionary (a paper dictionary, NOT cellphones or tablets)
Quiz: Wednesday 12:00m
*(Study wh-questions, and YES/NO questions)
You will need a dictionary (a paper dictionary, NOT cellphones or tablets)
Quiz: Wednesday 12:00m
domingo, 26 de febrero de 2017
Udenar level 3
Independent activity:
Describe the two Photos. Use many adjectives related to description of places. Students will have some time in class for possible corrections.
1. Helsinki (Finland)
1. Helsinki (Finland)
martes, 21 de febrero de 2017
Pronuncuation of verbs (quiz)
Quiz: February, 23 (12:20pm)
*El quiz será de los verbos en la lista en físico entregada en clases. Algunos verbos que falten de la lista y que no esten en el video será necesario buscarlos en diccionario para su significado y pronunciacion
Quiz: February, 23 (12:20pm)
*El quiz será de los verbos en la lista en físico entregada en clases. Algunos verbos que falten de la lista y que no esten en el video será necesario buscarlos en diccionario para su significado y pronunciacion
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