domingo, 17 de marzo de 2013



- The activity of the vocabulary cards is based on this video. 
- Write ALL these verbs in your cards according to the example       given in class
- The cards must be ready on March 20


martes, 12 de marzo de 2013

UDENAR - LEVEL IV (Lun-Mie 2-5pm)


Blog Avtivity 2:

1. Transcribe as much of the information of the video as you can. It can be in computer or handwritten.
2. For the new words, write the word the way you hear it. Speculate about the writing of the new word.
3. Transcribe from min 0:12 until min 0:58
4. Students have to hand in the activity at 2:00 pm

jueves, 7 de marzo de 2013